10 Advantages of Having Children

Having children is truly a transformative journey for parents. It’s a roller-coaster of emotions, from overwhelming joy to daunting challenges. Then there are some pleasant experiences of unconditional love, watching your child grow, learn, and discover the world.

Parenthood brings a deep sense of responsibility, which involves constantly nurturing and guiding children towards their potential. You might spend many sleepless nights and need endless patience, but the rewards of it can’t be explained in words. Each milestone reached and every hug or smile received is a priceless treasure.

Through the ups and downs, parents experience a love so profound that it transcends all boundaries, making the journey of having children an extraordinary adventure. Here are the reasons why having children can be amazingly advantageous for you:

1. You can be happier when you’ve got kids

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research found something interesting in a study it had conducted. According to the findings, there was a direct correlation between children and happiness for parents aged 40 or above. As a part of this research, thousands of parents were surveyed in over 85 countries.

The survey was conducted over a period between 1981 and 2005. It found that parents aged 40 or above with one to three kids were considerably more happy. After the age of 50, mothers and fathers were way more happier than childless couples.

This won’t come as a surprise for many parents who are of age 50 or above. The main reason for this is that most children are easier to care for when they get older. So, now there’s a proof for parents who wonder whether their children are making them happier.

2. Kids help you maintain your sanity

Researchers from a mental health foundation came up with an interesting claim. They said that children might help their parents to a great extent in maintaining their sanity. This offers a sharp contrast to the popular belief that kids drive their parents crazy.

The foundation interviewed over a thousand random senior citizens recently. It was found that the seniors with no children scored low in a mental health questionnaire than their counterparts with kids.

3. You can save more on tax

There was a time when many people made money by sending their children to work. Today, it is considered a very immoral and cruel way of existing in this world. If you’re based in the United States, your children can help you qualify for some valuable tax savings.

Thanks to IRS, this is one of the greatest benefits in this country for those who have children. According to a study published in recent times, children can help an average family save a little more than $3,000 per year. This is done by claiming child tax credits, child-and-dependent-care credits, and education credits.

4. You develop a sense of curiosity for knowing things

Children would want to know the answers to a variety of questions that trouble their little minds. If you’re a parent, you’ll be pretty much aware of this fact. Your child might ask you the reasons behind a pleasant smell after rain, and many such questions. They might also ask some awkward questions like why mommy and daddy always lock their bedroom door on some nights.

You might not always have answers to all the questions of your kid, but they do bring a sense of curiosity in you. Some of their questions might also interest you because you might’ve never seriously thought about those things.

5. Your self-esteem gets a boost

If you’re a parent, your child must’ve told you many times how you’re the best mommy or daddy in the world. These words coming from your child is enough to develop a sense of self-worth in you. Such statements ultimately play an important role in boosting your self-esteem. As they keep you in a positive state of mind, you accomplish tasks that were earlier considered impossible.

6. You learn to enjoy the simple pleasures of life

Kids truly live in the moment and enjoy all the simple pleasures of life. While doing so, they also make you stop and smell the roses. Otherwise, you won’t even remember the last time you lay on the ground watching the clouds go by.

If someone asks when was the last time you spent some time gazing at the stars, you probably wouldn’t have an answer. When you start looking at the world through a child’s eyes, all the cynicism and seriousness will melt away quite astonishingly.

7. Kids help in lowering your blood pressure

You’ll certainly face many hassles almost every day while caring for your children. However, you’ll get a sense of purpose and meaning from such struggles, which will lead to better health. A recent study found that parenthood helped in lowering blood pressure.

During the study, the researchers monitored the blood pressure of 200 married men and women. Some had children while others didn’t. It was found that the couples with children had lower blood pressure than those without kids.

The lead researcher explained further that the findings were simply associated with parenthood. The findings in no way suggested that parents would have a normal blood pressure by having more kids.

8. You’ll get better parking

Many grocery stores, factory outlets, and shopping malls have parking spaces reserved for pregnant women and families with children. Such spots are usually vacant and conveniently located. On your way to such places, you can also drive in the HOV lane.

It is because even the smallest newborn is legally considered as a full-fledged passenger. It’s not an easy thing for parents to go shopping with their children, but it also has such benefits.

9. Having kids can make you more attractive

A certain section of men and women are attracted towards the opposite sex who’s a parent. A father strolling through a park with his adorable baby can attract the attention of women. This is because many women admire a father’s sense of maturity and his dedication towards his children and family.

So, it’s not just walking around with cute puppies that catch the attention of the opposite sex. A parent with a baby in the stroller often gets more attraction than an expensive sports car.

10. You can stay away from unwanted social events

Many fathers and mothers use kids as an excuse to avoid being at social events that they won’t enjoy. So, when single men and women complain that their friends with children never hang out with them, this could be a major reason. A child needs the attention of his or her parents. It, therefore, would be a waste of time if you’re going to a social event that you didn’t want to attend.

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